Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Fine Arts
KSADA is an educational and research, cultural and artistic establishment which provides a specialised education in the sphere of visual arts, design, and restoration of works of art. It also has special programmes for post-graduate students. Besides, new educational programmes and research are being developed and carried out at the Academy. Numerous cultural and artistic events, creative activities are held here as well.
Faculty of fine art
The faculty was established in 2000.
It consists of 6 departments, including the department of drawing, easel painting, graphic arts, monumental painting, sculpture, and theory and history of arts. Around 270 students study at the Faculty at present. The departments of the faculty suggest the following specializations: “Graphic arts,” “Easel painting,” “Monumental painting,” “Indoor and monumental sculpture,” “Art history.”
The educational process is organized by 76 stuff lecturers: 1 Doctor of Science, 8 professors, 11 PhDs, 13 associated professors, 2 People’s Artists of Ukraine, 11 Honored Art Workers of Ukraine, 1 Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine. Among them – the Doctor of Art history, head of Art History Department, Professor L. Sokolyuk, People’s Artist of Ukraine, head of the genre painting workshop V. Kovtun, People’s Artist of Ukraine, head of the painting department V. Ganotsky, etc.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: designarts@studyua.orgFaculty of Design
The structure of the faculty includes 6 departments: three graduating departments – design, graphic design, multimedia design; and three service departments – engineering and technical desciplines, social and humanitarian disciplines and department of physical education.
The departments have 13 training laboratories, methodical cabinet, informational centers, 3 computer classes (34 working places each) that have the equipment required for the educational process according to the specializations, a gym, etc. 62 stuff lecturers work on the faculty, including 2 Doctors of Science, 8 Professors, 25 PhDs, 30 associated professors, 5 Honored Art Workers of Ukraine, 1 Honored Master of Sport, 4 corresponding members of the Academy of Science of Ukraine, 1 corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogic Science of Ukraine. Around 420 students study at the faculty on the full-time bases. During the years of its existence, the faculty of Design has prepared of 2000 specialists, among whom over 58 obtained MA degree.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: designarts@studyua.orgFaculty of Environmental Design
Departments of the faculty have 6 educational laboratories, which contain equipment for the relevant educational process, a computer laboratory. Six faculty chairs employ 55 teachers and 16 employees.
Over the years of its existence, the Faculty of Environmental Design has trained 1895 specialists, including 52 masters.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: designarts@studyua.org
About Academy
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (KSADA) is an education-and-research, cultural-and-artistic centre which trains students in Art, namely in design, graphic arts, and restoration of works of art. The Academy also offers both a postgraduate training programme and a Doctoral training programme. Besides, a great attention is paid to research at the Academy, as well as to development of cutting edge educational programmes. Numerous cultural-and-artistic events, various creativity actions, and contests are held here.
Mission and strategic goals
The Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts makes a major contribution to the development of the society by means of offering a higher art, art-and-design education, generating and outspreading a new knowledge, forming creative personalities, and training competitive specialists and academic-artistic staff.
Department of International Cooperation
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts is one of the oldest artistic educational establishments in Ukraine and the CIS. It was founded in 1921 on the base of the Art Collegium, while the predecessor of the Collegium was M. Raevskaya-Ivanova’s School of Drawing (established in 1869). In 1962 Kharkiv State Institute of Arts was reorganized into Kharkiv Art and Industrial Institute. On 9 August, 2001 in accordance to the Ordinance of the Cabinet of Ministers the latter was turned into Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (IV level of accreditation, KSADA).
KSADA is the only Ukrainian member of the European League of higher educational establishments and it actively cooperates with universities of Poland, China, Germany, Italy, Russia on creativity, education, and research. Furthermore, the Academy is aspired to strengthen and expand its cooperation with foreign higher educational establishments. Students from different countries of the world get trained at the Academy. Among them there are representatives of the Commonwealth of Independent States, such as Russia, Moldova, Azerbaidzhan, Turkmenistan, and other countries, namely, Africa, China, Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Cameroon, Bahrain, Mauritius, Italy, etc.
In accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, the staff members of the Department assist newly arrived foreign citizens in getting a temporary residence permit for Ukraine at the Department of Immigration and Citizenship in Kharkiv. The staff members also help them get recorded in hospitals for health care, organize getting accommodation in hostels, and ensure that foreign citizens will be able to stay in touch with their relatives, as well as contact their embassy when necessary.
About city
Kharkiv is a city situated in the north-eastern part of Ukraine. It is the second largest city after Kiev and the first capital of the country. According to some historical documents, the city was founded in 1654, but the origin of it’s name is still a mystery. Kharkiv is the second largest in Ukraine on scientific and educational potential. The city has 13 national universities and numerous professional, technical and private higher education institutions, offering its students a wide range of disciplines.
The city has a high concentration of research institutions, which are independent or loosely connected with the universities. Kharkiv is a large industrial center of Ukraine. The basis of the productive capacity of the enterprise is high-tech industries: power engineering, electrical engineering, transport and agriculture engineering, instrumentation, electronics, aerospace. Production of many of Kharkiv enterprises is known on the world market, including high technology, such as modern tanks, aircraft and turbines.
Kharkiv is the city opened to the world. Kharkiv enjoys a lot of possibilities being a twin city of Bologna, Poznan, Nuremberg and a number of other towns from all over the world.
It is also the first time in Kharkov in Europe the atom was split, the nature of superconductivity was studied, the largest radio telescope was created, a framework of the theory of oscillations in the plasma, the scattering of slow neutrons in crystals were developed.
Kharkiv has good infrastructure. It has an extremely functional/practical underground transit system and a relatively well-connected bus network. The inhabitants are friendly and passionate. In addition, the hospitality towards foreigners is very warm – probably owing to it’s long-standing status as an educational town.
There are many famous institutes of higher education in Kharkiv; Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics has a significant place in the system of Ukrainian higher education.
The city has its own charm – narrow streets with old buildings of different architectural styles and small yards in the city down town, huge and impressive main square, majestic cathedrals and small churches, subway many stations of which can be considered as a separate work of art. Kharkiv has 6 outstanding professional theatres, circus, several museums and many libraries. Kharkiv is a very green city, there are more than 100 parks on it’s territory. Kharkiv is the major student centre of Ukraine. It is a city of 100,000 students and about 30 higher educational institutions. Among them are Kharkiv State University, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv National Aviation University, Medical University, University of Culture, National Law Academy and many others. Kharkiv is considered the safest among large cities in Ukraine. Many foreigners come to Kharkiv for business and pleasure.
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