Do you wantto study abroad?
Wroclaw polytechnic university
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology is the leading scientific and educational centre in Poland. Its position among technical universities in both Europe and the rest of the world is increasing every year. Development of the University is confirmed by research potential, didactics at the highest level, innovation and also cooperation with industry. The University educates specialists who are valued and sought after in the labour market.
Faculty of Environmental Engineering
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: wroclawpolytechnic@studyua.orgFaculty of Computer Science
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: wroclawpolytechnic@studyua.orgFaculty of Mathematics
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: wroclawpolytechnic@studyua.orgFaculty of Technology and Engineering
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: wroclawpolytechnic@studyua.orgFaculty of Architecture
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: wroclawpolytechnic@studyua.orgFaculty of Chemistry
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail:
About University
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology is the leading scientific and educational centre in Poland. Its position among technical universities in both Europe and the rest of the world is increasing every year. Development of the University is confirmed by research potential, didactics at the highest level, innovation and also cooperation with industry. The University educates specialists who are valued and sought after in the labour market.
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology is an inheritor of the tangible property of the German University Königliche Technische Hochschule Breslau, and also the intellectual and scientific heritage of Lviv Polytechnic. The University, as Wroclaw University of Technology, has been operating since 1945. Its creators and organizers were scientists from Lviv and Warsaw. From the very beginning it was an important centre of technical education.
Preparatory language courses
Students who need to improve their language skills may enroll in one year preparatory language course which prepares for university studies in the desired language: English or Polish. The language courses are also available in an intensive, shorter versions.
The rating of the University is confirmed by the results that the University achieves in annual rankings, such as the “Perspektywy”, “Wprost” or “U-Multirank” ranking of Higher Education Institutions, in which it continues to occupy the top position.
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology is a technical university and a research institution. The aim of educating students is to not only provide them with reliable knowledge, but also with creative and critical thinking. The University primarily carries out its mission through the highest standards in scientific research, internationalization and also through the high quality of education which is adapted to labour market requirements. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, as an academic community, is open and comprehensive, it cherishes university values and traditions and cooperates with other universities and external partners.
Opportunities and potential
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology stands out with its educational offer that allows students to study according to standard programmes, as well as according to their individual educational paths. Moreover, the University maintains contacts with many educational and research institutions in the world and also follows the double diploma procedure. It currently has a cooperation agreement with 205 partners from 49 countries. Students and researchers of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology have an opportunity in both education and participation in joint projects such as: Erasmus+, Student Exchange Programmes, the Double Degree Master Programme T.I.M.E., the Polish and American Fulbright Commission.
Many organizations and student associations operate within the University and among them there are 192 scientific clubs, 33 student organizations and 32 cultural agendas. This is where students have the opportunity to develop their scientific and creative passions. The profile of this activity is very diverse and depends only on the imagination of students. The University also has a non-commercial radio and TV station – Academic Radio LUZ and TV STYK.
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology pursues a strategy that aims to adapt the activity of the University to the needs of the economy. It successfully implements ideas of transferring knowledge to industry, creating innovations and also cooperating with business, local government and scientific-research centres. It promotes activities focused on fostering entrepreneurship and aids students and graduates when searching for a job. Each year the University receives a number of original technical solutions, patents, inventions and technologies that are applicable to industry. In the last five years the University has obtained 758 patents. There are 859 didactic laboratories, 112 research laboratories, 36 didactic and research laboratories and 12 accredited laboratories operating within the University. The world-class level of research conducted by university staff and the well-equipped laboratories result in cooperation with many domestic and foreign companies. Students have the opportunity to participate in internships and carry out their diplomas in the branches of renowned companies around the world, e.g. Nokia, COMARCH, KGHM, NETIA, Volvo, Ryanair.
Additional Information
Duration of study: 1 year / 600 hrs
Subjects: Academic English, General English , math and physics, BULATS course – business English, Polish language
Required documents:
- Take the online test
- Have a SKYPE entry interview
About Wroclaw
Wroclaw is a city of unique beauty and interesting history. It is appreciated both by its inhabitants and visitors. The charming historical centre, parks, good restaurants, hotels, and friendly people make it a pleasant place to visit and to do business.
Wroclaw with a population of about 650.000 inhabitants, is the fourth largest city in Poland. It is a crossing point of three international routes, has two big railway stations, two river ports and an international airport, which ensures connections with the whole world. The key industries of the regional economy include transport, machine electrical engineering and food industries. Medium-light industry, trade, service and education are major employment sectors.
Official language: Polish. Languages you can easily communicate in: English and German. A number of Wroclaw citizens also speak Russian and French.
It is a major communications centre, having international rail connections, an international airport, and river transport.
A cultural and scientific centre, Wrocław contains numerous educational institutions, museums, theatres and music centres, and a botanical garden and zoo. The city hosts the Jazz on the Oder Festival and the “Wratislavia Cantans,” an oratorio and cantata festival that ranks as one of the most important music events in Poland.
Student life is a constant source of fun moments, knowledge of the world, exploring each of its particles. Education abroad opens up not only a quality education in a selected country for you, but also the opportunity to make friends from every corner of the world. For students of European universities is open the whole of Europe, this old lady with her unique combination of skyscrapers, provincial colored houses, gothic and romantic architecture.

Call us: +38 (063) 71 71 771
National aviation university
The university launched powerful scientific schools in the fields of management, mechanics, electronics, electrical engineering, materials science and computer technology. Unique devices, control systems of aircraft and space-rocket equipment, advanced technologies, and as a result, high scientific and pedagogical potential of this higher educational establishment have been created at the university
Aircraft Faculty
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: aviationuniver@studyua.orgAerospace Control Systems Faculty
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: aviationuniver@studyua.orgFaculty of Information Technologies
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: aviationuniver@studyua.orgFaculty of Computer Systems
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: aviationuniver@studyua.orgFaculty of Air Transport Technologies
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail:
About University
Today, National aviation university is one of the world’s most powerful aviation higher educational institutions with more than 50,000 students including 1,200 international students from 49 countries.
Strong scientific and pedagogical schools enable to train not only engineers but also economists, lawyers, environmentalists, translators, psychologists, sociologists and others.
The educational process is provided by highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff consisting of 15 Academicians and Corresponding Members of NAS of Ukraine, 270 doctors, professors and 900 candidates of sciences. Leading airline and industries experts are involved into the learning process at the university. We are proud of the fact that 80 honored workers of science and technology and winners of State Prizes are among the teachers of our university.
The University consists of fifteen institutes, seven colleges, a technical school, two high schools, Center for Air and Space Law, European regional centers of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
The University is situated on the territory of 72 hectares; the total area of the buildings is 140,000 m2. The training process involves 75 aircraft and helicopters, 42 aviation engines, 3 complex flight simulators, 240 board systems, modelling stands and over 6,000 modern computers.
The scientific and technical library amounts more than 2.6 million issues. The University has the world’s only educational hangar, training airfield, training radio ground with aviation ground equipment, aerodynamic and training complexes.
The campus of the university includes 11 dormitories, a dining hall with 1000 seats, an Internet cafe, students café “Bistro”, a medical center, equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, a dispensiary, Center for Art and Culture with the hall for 1500 seats, Center for Sport and Health, where sport teams and different winners of competitions are trained in many sports. Employees and students of our university are keen sportsmen at yachting (there is a yacht club at university) and aviamodelling and hang-gliding.
Education in English
The Program “Education in English” in the National Aviation University was launched in 1999. Since English is one of the official languages of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) it is very important to get professional education in English for future specialists in the field of aviation.
It has to be also mentioned that operation of modern aircraft produced by the Boeing and the Airbus manufactures in Ukraine airlines favors development of the education in English. As long as all engineering documentation for these aircraft is written in English, the training of Ukrainian aviation experts is also performed in English at Bachelors and Master programs. In this case English advanced study is becoming the barest necessity.
Education in English gives the chance:
- to become proficient in English special terminology;
- to participate in the international scientific and technical symposia, conferences, seminars;
- to communicate and collaborate with scientists from different countries;
- to work in the international aviation institutions;
- to take part in the development of international standards, manuals and other documentation;
- to find a job in any country of the world.
Scientific and Technical Library
Scientific and technical library of the National Aviation University is one the biggest HEI libraries located in Kiev, and the biggest among civil aviation libraries of Ukraine. Library sources are used by about 17 thousands readers and subscribers of between-library subscription. The library is visited by more than 600 thousands users per year, and the amount of literature they obtain exceeds 1.5 million units.
The library is located in separate building, occupies the area 5.4 thousands square meters. There are 5 subscriptions and 9 reader’s halls introduced to user’s usage. The library has the electronic catalogue of literature, which has been incoming since 1994. Electronic base of analytic materials with periodicals and card-table search system.
The Scientific and technical library is the place of meetings of students with scientists, literature and art figures, veterans. Here take place different readers conferences, literature-thematic evenings, verbal magazines, bibliographic reviews.
About Kyiv
Kyiv is one of the biggest cities in Europe. It is a bustling capital of independent Ukraine, its administrative, economic, scientific, cultural and educational center. This scenic city with population of over 3 million people is located on the shores of the Dnepr River.
Kyiv is a city of invaluable historical and cultural monuments, a city of great events and outstanding people. Everyone will find there something especially interesting for himself. The art and architecture of Kyiv are considered world treasures. Many famous artists, poets and writers estimated the unique beauty of this city. It is one of the oldest towns in Europe. In the historical center of Kyiv you can feel the spirit of the past everywhere.
Kyiv is distinguished for its rich cultural life. Theater lovers will find many theatres offering various theatrical programs. Most performances are held in Ukrainian or Russian. The recently renovated Kyiv Opera House presents very good opera as well as a broad repertoire of ballets. Ivan Franko Theater is a center of Ukrainian drama, comedy, and musicals. A lot of various exhibitions are carried out in the city’s numerous museums and art galleries.
Kyivis also a scientific and educational center of independent Ukraine. Various universities and science academies including famous Kyiv-Mogilyanskaya Academy, which is one of the first scientific establishments in Eastern Europe, are located there.
Being the largest city of Ukraine, Kyiv is a leading industrial and commercial center of the country. Kyiv’s major industries include: food processing (especially processing of beet sugar), metallurgy, manufacture of machinery, machine tools, rolling stock, chemicals, building materials, and textiles. The development of Ukrainian economy gave impulse to business activity of the city. There are a lot of new office centers, banks, trade exhibition centers and other commercial enterprises appearing in the city nowadays.
Take a walk through the ancient streets of this scenic city, feel its unique beauty and the spirit of its past. For sure your stay in Kyiv will become one of your most memorable experiences.
Kyiv is one of the most beautiful cities of the world that picturesquely spreads on the Dnipro river hills. As others old cities Kyiv has no exact date of foundation. According to the legend, Kyiv was founded more than 1,500 years ago by three brothers Kyi, Schek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid. The city was named after the oldest brother Kyi. In the 9th century Kyiv became the capital of the Ancient Rus. The territory of this independent state stretched out from the Baltic Sea in the North to the Black Sea in the South and from Volga River in the East to the Carpathians Mountains in the West. Kyiv is often referred as “the mother of all cities” by Russians and Ukrainians and as a cradle of Slavonic civilization.
Student life is a constant source of fun moments, knowledge of the world, exploring each of its particles. Education abroad opens up not only a quality education in a selected country for you, but also the opportunity to make friends from every corner of the world. For students of European universities is open the whole of Europe, this old lady with her unique combination of skyscrapers, provincial colored houses, gothic and romantic architecture.

Call us: +38 (063) 71 71 771
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
The University boasts its wide international recognition as one of the initiators of signing the Magna Charta Universitatum (Bologna, 1998), a co-founder of the Eurasian Universities Association. University holds the third position among Ukrainian Research and Educational Institutions by the number of articles published in the leading international scientific publications.
Faculty of Medicine
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: karazin@studyua.orgFaculty of Biology
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: karazin@studyua.orgFaculty of Economics
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: karazin@studyua.orgFaculty of foreign languages
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: karazin@studyua.orgFaculty of History
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail:
About university
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe. It was founded in November 1804, on the initiative of the prominent educator V.N. Karazin and in accordance with the charter of Tsar Alexander I.
The title of Honorary Doctor of Kharkiv University was conferred on the first President of Ukraine Mykhailo Hrushevskyi.
Kharkiv University is associated with the first Ukrainian newspapers and journals and the first scientific societies.
Since its foundation, the University has graduated over 130,000 students. The names of the University graduates are commemorated in geographical names, names of space objects, plants and minerals, laws and formulae. Almost 60 University graduates have become academicians and corresponding members of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (UNAS)
Today Kharkiv National University has 21 Schools: the School of Biology, the School of Physics and Technology, the School of Radio Physics, the School of Physics, the School of Computer Sciences, the School of Philosophy, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Geology and Geography, the School of Economics, the School of Foreign Languages, the School of History, the School of Philology, the School of Fundamental Medicine, the School of Chemistry, the School of Sociology, the School of Psychology, the School of Law, the School of International Economic Relations and Tourism, the School of Further Education and Retraining, and the School of Physics and Energy. The latter was organized together with the UNAS Institute of Mechanical Engineering.
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is involved in extensive international cooperation and is an active member of the international community of the leading European and world universities. It cooperates with 61 partners in 25 countries of the world.
Together with other major European universities, in 1988 Kharkiv National University signed the Great University Charter that initiated the Bologna Process.
The University is a co-founder of the Eurasian University Association and is a member the World and the European University Associations.
About city
Kharkiv is a city situated in the north-eastern part of Ukraine. It is the second largest city after Kiev and the first capital of the country. According to some historical documents, the city was founded in 1654, but the origin of it’s name is still a mystery. Kharkiv is the second largest in Ukraine on scientific and educational potential. The city has 13 national universities and numerous professional, technical and private higher education institutions, offering its students a wide range of disciplines.
The city has a high concentration of research institutions, which are independent or loosely connected with the universities. Kharkiv is a large industrial center of Ukraine. The basis of the productive capacity of the enterprise is high-tech industries: power engineering, electrical engineering, transport and agriculture engineering, instrumentation, electronics, aerospace. Production of many of Kharkiv enterprises is known on the world market, including high technology, such as modern tanks, aircraft and turbines.
Kharkiv is the city opened to the world. Kharkiv enjoys a lot of possibilities being a twin city of Bologna, Poznan, Nuremberg and a number of other towns from all over the world.
It is also the first time in Kharkov in Europe the atom was split, the nature of superconductivity was studied, the largest radio telescope was created, a framework of the theory of oscillations in the plasma, the scattering of slow neutrons in crystals were developed.
Kharkiv has good infrastructure. It has an extremely functional/practical underground transit system and a relatively well-connected bus network. The inhabitants are friendly and passionate. In addition, the hospitality towards foreigners is very warm – probably owing to it’s long-standing status as an educational town.
There are many famous institutes of higher education in Kharkiv; Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics has a significant place in the system of Ukrainian higher education.
The city has its own charm – narrow streets with old buildings of different architectural styles and small yards in the city down town, huge and impressive main square, majestic cathedrals and small churches, subway many stations of which can be considered as a separate work of art. Kharkiv has 6 outstanding professional theatres, circus, several museums and many libraries. Kharkiv is a very green city, there are more than 100 parks on it’s territory. Kharkiv is the major student centre of Ukraine. It is a city of 100,000 students and about 30 higher educational institutions. Among them are Kharkiv State University, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv National Aviation University, Medical University, University of Culture, National Law Academy and many others. Kharkiv is considered the safest among large cities in Ukraine. Many foreigners come to Kharkiv for business and pleasure.
Student life is a constant source of fun moments, knowledge of the world, exploring each of its particles. Education abroad opens up not only a quality education in a selected country for you, but also the opportunity to make friends from every corner of the world. For students of European universities is open the whole of Europe, this old lady with her unique combination of skyscrapers, provincial colored houses, gothic and romantic architecture.

Call us: +38 (063) 71 71 771
Kharkiv National Medical University
KhNMU has created all conditions for improving the professional level in the specialities acquired. The University departments have modern diagnostic and medical equipment and laboratories for researches. The most popular specialities include Surgery, Ophthalmology, Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Urology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, etc.
Medicine Faculty
The Medical course at the Kharkiv National Medical University (KNMU) takes six years and leads to MD (Doctor of Medicine) or MBBS. In the under graduate program, during six years of study the students learn different subjects from fundamental subjects disciplines to special medical subjects. This is an exciting time in medicine as we look forward to developing new avenues in health care excellence. The practice of medicine remains one of the most requested of all professions and we believe that the Kharkiv National Medical University (KNMU) is a perfect place to acquire medical knowledge and gain the degree.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: kharkivmedical@studyua.orgDentistry Faculty
Curriculum at the dentistry faculty is provided for 5 academic years. The students go through the basic subjects of medical and biological profile, as well as various clinical disciplines, which are so necessary for a dentist. On condition of successful completion of study the graduates are given the Diploma of a doctor – dentist. The curriculum foresees the further postgraduate education. The degree awarded is BDS.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: kharkivmedical@studyua.orgPharmacy
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: kharkivmedical@studyua.orgNursing
The aim of the Bachelor’s Degree program in Nursing at Kharkiv National Medical University is to educate registered nurses to assume professional responsibilities working closely with the patient. Nurses must have good communication skills and be able to take part in developing healthcare. Course of Nursing focuses on extensive study of nursing theory and practice and training in clinical skills.
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Kharkiv National Medical University lasts two academic years and 10 months in English language. It follows the Bologna scheme and prepares future healthcare specialists to professional practice in the broadly defined discipline of nursing.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: kharkivmedical@studyua.orgPostgraduate
The Kharkov National Medical University offers post graduate studies in all medical fields. The duration of the study is 2-3 years.
The faculty of postgraduate education offers the study in 50 medical specialties at internship, mastership and clinical internship. At the department of Kharkiv National Medical University (KNMU), along with the traditional ways of teaching, there is also a module study, and a through out program of students’ practice. Constantly developing base of computerized equipment gives the possibility to use modern PC know-how and world informative networks in the process of study.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail:
About University
Kharkiv National Medical University (KNMU) Ukraine is one of the oldest higher educational establishments of Ukraine. It was founded in 1805 as the Medical Faculty of the Kharkiv University.
Kharkiv National Medical University is the best medical university in Ukraine for foreign students who want to Study Medicine in Ukraine.
The Degree (MBBS, BDS, MD, MDS, MS, NURSING) of the Kharkov National Medical University (KNMU) is prestigious and it is recognized in many countries of the world. Among former graduates of the University there are ministers and members of parliaments in various countries, outstanding scientists and famous specialists who founded their own clinics abroad. Within the period of their studies the students undergo academic training in main medical specialties. They take part in examinations of patients, giving urgent aid, work at X-ray rooms, clinical and biochemical laboratories. Particular attention is paid to clinical rounds of patients, their management, filling in and arrangement of case histories with their subsequent analysis. Clinical and theoretical training of the students is performed at 56 departments of the University and the best clinics of Kharkiv with use of modern medical diagnostic and therapeutically equipment.
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For our international students there is plenty of advantages:
- Study in English/Russian medium
- Low cost
- Recognized Courses by WHO, UNESCO, EUROPEAN COUNCIL
- Favorable climate conditions the year around
- International Faculties
- Teachers from the USA, CANADA, UK deliver lectures in the University
- Bilateral Student Exchange Program with Universities in European Countries
- Summer Jobs during vacation in European countries
- Opportunity for the Permanent Residence & Settlement in Europe after graduation
- 100% Visa Assurance
About Kharkov
Kharkov is a city situated in the north-eastern part of Ukraine. It is the second largest city after Kiev and the first capital of the country.
First of all Kharkov is an industrial city. There are many factories and plants there. In this respect a flow of people head to Kharkov in search of jobs and career growth.
It is also a city of fun and entertainment. One can never be bored either in the daytine or at night. Cinemas, cafes, restaurants, disco clubs get alive when darkness goes down. Among the most popular entertainment establishments it is possible to name Misto, Bolero and restaurant of traditional Ukrainian cuisine-Sloboda. Nevertheless Kharkov has preserved all historical monuments and architecture.
Sumskaya is the longest street, lined up with shops and fashinable boutiques. Pushkinskays Street is the oldest one and is considered to be the home of the first Kharkov habitants. The life is always in full swing here and never slows down even if it seems like this. Parks and recreational zones are the most favourite destinations for students and young people, coming from all over Ukraine to get education. They say it is a city of students, it is a city of youth, energy and restless stream of life to be more corect.
Kharkiv is one of the most prolific centres of higher education and research of Eastern Europe. The city has 13 national universities and numerous professional, technical and private higher education institutions, offering its students a wide range of disciplines.
Student life is a constant source of fun moments, knowledge of the world, exploring each of its particles. Education abroad opens up not only a quality education in a selected country for you, but also the opportunity to make friends from every corner of the world. For students of European universities is open the whole of Europe, this old lady with her unique combination of skyscrapers, provincial colored houses, gothic and romantic architecture.

Call us: +380637171771
University of finance and management
The main objective of the University of Finance and Management is to create the best possible conditions for studying. The priority of the university is also supporting the development of students in the social, sporting and cultural areas. The WSFiZ has introduced a number of changes and cooperates with student organizations to create atmosphere of the university that is student friendly.
Faculty of Management and Finance
The faculty is the oldest department of the university. The faculty consists of outstanding teachers from Poland and from abroad. Significant is the fact that the university rector is a successful economist who is a long-term member of the Board of the Stock Exchange in Warsaw – prof. Doctor of Sciences Maria Sierpinska. It should be noted that there are enough winners and beneficiaries of prestigious international and national scientific competitions among the workers at the faculty, as well as holders of international research grants.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: univerfinancemanag@studyua.orgFaculty of Psychology
Faculty of Psychology is the largest scientific department of the university. In 2002, the faculty received the right to assign a master’s degree in psychology, and in 2010 – to confer the degree of candidate of humanities in psychology. We were entrusted with 2000 students, who are now studying at full-time and part-time departments. Master’s degree has already been received by more than 3500 of our graduates.
From the very beginning of its existence, the faculty is proud of outstanding scientific personnel, which continue to achieve significant research success. This is displayed at a high level of training and the achievements of our students and graduates. Comfortable classrooms and auditoriums, as well as laboratories with the most modern research equipment, constitute an integral part of modern education, tools for implementing pilot projects.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: univerfinancemanag@studyua.orgFaculty of Law and Administration
Faculty of Law and Administration is the youngest, but very rapidly developing research unit of our University. A few dozen teachers provide a study of all branches of law. It is important to note that the teaching staff has not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills in the field of law in which they specialize.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: univerfinancemanag@studyua.orgFaculty of Social Sciences
The Faculty of Social Sciences is a young, dynamically developing research division of the University. The teaching staff of the faculty are successful researchers, teachers and practitioners from the sphere of public relations and new media, as well as mass social science.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail: univerfinancemanag@studyua.orgThe Department of Foreign Languages
The Department of Foreign Languages provides training in foreign languages within the framework of the approved curriculum. Experienced teachers use proven and effective teaching methods combined with a modern training base to ensure a high level of education.
The activity of the department is successfully managed by Angelica Ben Mansour. Undoubted advantage of the department is a convenient system of training, as well as partnership with teachers. Thanks to meetings with native speakers and lectures conducted by an international group of teachers and guests of the University, students receive a wide range of language practice.
Center for International Cooperation
+38 (063) 71 71 771 +38 (093) 94 49 448 E-mail:
About University
The University of Finance and Management (WSFiZ) was founded in 1993. The University occupies top positions in domestic rankings involving private higher educational establishments. Since May, 1 2004 when Poland became the member of the EU University’s diplomas are recognized in all 28 countries of the European Union. The WSFiZ employs qualified academic staff, who set high standards of work and who in great measure deserve the credit for the University’s rising status. Our University is also frequently visited by lectures from the United States of America, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Russia, England, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Belarus, Turkey and other countries.
Students gain knowledge and skills from the best Polish and foreign experts, will improve foreign language skills and practice in business which are held at the enterprises and institutions. WSFiZ cultivate an ethos in which you can learn, grow, and succeed. Study at WSFiZ provides an opportunity to practice in another countries. Enjoy one-to-one advice, personal training, group workshops and excellent opportunities throughout your studies.
WSFiZ offers courses in English for international students. Bachelor Studies (BA – 3 years), Master Studies (MA – 2 years).
At WSFiZ students from different countries are studying among those: Belarus, Turkey, Spain, Russia, India, Nepal, Germany, Ukraine, Romania and other countries.
In 2015 the University of Finance and Management obtained accreditation of the official accreditation body Polish Acreditation Commision (PAC). In the 1999/2000 academic year the University adopted the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which allows students to continue their education in any country of the European Union.
WSFiZ exchange programs Erasmus + allow without additional charges to hold at universities in Europe: University Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca (Romania), University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia), PA College (Cyprus), University of Malta (Malta), Institute Superior de Comunicaçao Empresarial (Portugal), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), Balikesir University (Turkey), Germany, Estonia.
Foreign students in Poland during period of studies can work legally. Foreign students receive a residence permit for the period of study in Poland.
The main objective of the University of Finance and Management is to create the best possible conditions for studying. The priority of the university is also supporting the development of students in the social, sporting and cultural areas. Since the university was founded, the WSFiZ has introduced a number of changes and cooperates with student organizations to create atmosphere of the university that is student friendly.
As one of the best private universities in Poland, the University of Finance and Management in Warsaw is not focused solely on the intellectual development of students, but also to ensure a pleasant and cultural atmosphere. Students’ opinions are very important for us, on their basis the WSFiZ has been changing dynamically and is looking for new solutions to be an example of a student friendly university.
How are we different?
- European diploma and modern methods of teaching
- Highly qualified teachers with huge practical experience
- Graduates that easily adapt to the labor market
- Modern laboratories and audiences
- University in the European capital with unlimited opportunities and opportunities
- International atmosphere, student exchanges
For foreign students
- For entrants from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine there are no entrance exams. We provide the necessary documents for obtaining a student visa (invitation), certificates for the military commissariat.
- We conduct a course of the Polish language before the beginning of the academic year from July or (if necessary) during the school year.
- We help find temporary work for students.
- The coordinator of the University helps in solving the problems of students.
- We provide important information and help students in obtaining a student’s temporary residence card (residence permit) in Poland.
University Facilities
The University owns the buildings located on a single plot, housing over 100 teaching rooms, computer labs, sports halls, chairs and departments, a library with a large reading room, a book shop, a cafe and a restaurant, its own hotel, and the administrative premises of four faculties. Recently a well-equipped modern edifice with two spacious halls has been added to this list. All the buildings are designed to fully satisfy the University’s academic needs as well as host important ceremonies at the regional level and beyond.
The Library and reading room of the University of Finance and Management are a facility serving the needs of higher education in the areas of management, macro- and microeconomics, finance, banking accounting, marketing, economic law, ethics, sociology, regional planning, language studies and political studies.
The whole collection numbers over 80,000 volumes. The library also has holdings in the English and German languages. The library subscribes to over 200 periodicals, including some foreign titles favoured by our academic community (Financial Times, Newsweek, The Economist, Stern, Wirtschaftswoche, Harvard Business Review and many others, available in online versions as well).
The library also has a rich collection of audio and video cassettes and compact discs (about 1600 in total). In the multimedia reading room the students and the staff have at their disposal computers with free access to the Internet, which means access to several thousand scientific journals (via EBSCO service).
About Warsaw
Warsaw is Poland’s largest city and an economic, political, and cultural centre. The symbol of the city is the Mermaid, featured on the city seal. Warsaw is a bustling metropolis and features an unforgettable history. A city where a fourth of the terrain is covered by parkland and a city of culture for all tastes and budgets.
Warsaw is an unusual city situated in the centre of Europe, on the intersection of communication routes connecting the West with the East and the North with the South of the Continent. It fascinates visitors with history, climate, monuments. Arouses curiosity with its individualism. Intrigues with its multifaceted culture – the sequel of mutual influence of the Western and Eastern Europe.
Warsaw has been the capital of Poland for more than 400 years. Its story goes back to two siblings – Wars and Sawa (hence the Polish name: Warszawa) – who were nurtured by a mermaid. A mermaid with a sword and a shield is the symbol of the city. It has the population of nearly 2 million. Warsaw is a truly charming place.
Student life is a constant source of fun moments, knowledge of the world, exploring each of its particles. Education abroad opens up not only a quality education in a selected country for you, but also the opportunity to make friends from every corner of the world. For students of European universities is open the whole of Europe, this old lady with her unique combination of skyscrapers, provincial colored houses, gothic and romantic architecture.

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